Winnipeg, MB – NDP MLA for Fort Garry Mark Wasyliw introduced a bill today which would ensure that principals must be educators in Manitoba. The bill is No. 204) The Public Schools Amendment Act (Teaching Experience of Principals).
“We know the Pallister Government is open to having accountants run our schools rather than ensuring educators occupy the role of principals – and with an education review on the horizon it’s more important than ever to make sure teachers and educators are at the heart of our school system,” said Wasyliw. “This bill will ensure all principals in schools are educators and focused on what matters most: our children, not a balance sheet”.
Wasyliw called on the Pallister Government to clearly state their support for the idea that principals should always be educators and not accountants.
“No matter the recommendations of the education commission, this is a foundational principle that must be respected”, said Wasyliw. “We are calling on the Pallister government to be clear for parents, students and educators about this important issue. The role of a principal must be to support and lead a team of educators – not to function as another layer of management.”