August 24, 2021
Treaty 1 Territory, Homeland of the Métis Nation, Winnipeg MB— Today Manitoba NDP House Leader, Nahanni Fontaine, urged the PC government to call back the House so they can get rid of Pallister’s harmful agenda.
“Manitobans want a better future for their families,” said Fontaine. “But Pallister’s agenda of cuts and privatization is making life harder and less affordable in our province. Now that he’s about to resign, the PCs need to recall the House immediately so they can kill the five bills we delayed and wipe the slate clean. Unless they have the courage to kill the bills and set a new agenda, Manitobans can be sure that Pallister’s legacy will continue no matter who sits in the Premier’s chair.”
At a press conference in Brandon yesterday, the Premier remarked that he still supports Bill 64 and has no plans to prorogue the House. The fall Legislative sitting is set to resume on October the 6th.
In addition to Bill 64, the NDP delayed Bill 35 to keep Hydro bills low. The NDP also delayed Bill 16, the PCs anti-worker bill that would erode worker’s fundamental rights and make life harder for families during a pandemic, and Bill 57 that undermines Manitobans’ democratic rights to gather for peaceful protest. The NDP also delayed Bill 40 to fight the addictions crisis and keep communities safe.
“With kids about to return to school and the fourth wave around the corner, the PCs need to put aside their own internal chaos and focus on keeping families safe,” said Fontaine. “Our NDP Caucus is ready to return to the House. It’s time for the PCs to do the right thing: kill the bills, get rid of Pallister’s agenda, and do the work of government.”