June 1, 2021
Treaty 1 Territory, Homeland of the Métis Nation, Winnipeg MB—The PC government is attempting to rush through the passage of their unpopular education bill to make it harder for parents and educators to speak out.
“Parents, educators and school staff agree that Bill 64 is the wrong approach for our kids,” said NDP Leader Wab Kinew. “The opposition to this bill in every region of our province has been overwhelming, but instead of listening to Manitobans the PCs are trying to push through Bill 64 ahead of schedule. The PCs need to stop rushing through a bill no one wants and withdraw this legislation.”
The PC Government demanded that the NDP expedite the passage of Bill 64. This move would break the rules of the Legislature and force committee to be moved up from October to September to coincide with the start of the school year when educators and parents are busiest. Today NDP House Leader Nahanni Fontaine sent a letter to Government House Leader Kelvin Goertzen denying the PC demand. As of June 1st, 341 people were registered to speak at Committee for Bill 64.
“Manitobans are passionate about their opposition to this bill,” said NDP Education Critic Nello Altomare. “They want smaller class sizes, proper EA supports in classrooms and more supports to help every child reach their full potential. But with Bill 64 none of those needs are met. Instead of strengthening our schools, Manitobans are concerned Bill 64 will lead to the closure of rural schools, the loss of culturally-relevant programing and more cuts to classrooms.”